Request Companions
1 Antwort
Berlin - SE Asia starting end of April 24...
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.   through Southeastern Europe, Turkey, a detour to the Caucasus, Iran (if it is politically possible - not at the moment), ...


Hi, as some potential fellow cyclists have dropped out, I'm going to try again at short notice. It should start on April 28th.

- Marcus, mid-30s

- Quit my job, apartment and off I go - the fulfillment of a dream!

- Overnight stays primarily in a tent, with CS/WS hosts, in simple accommodations...

- Travel by bike (without the "e" in my case) and possibly train/bus - avoid/minimize flying

- ~1500 km per month, 60-90 km per average day

- to and through India, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, etc., then possibly through South America

- Time horizon: 2-3 years

- Get to know the countries, people and cultures, maybe work in the rice or tea fields for a while in exchange for room and food, possibly spend several months in one country...

- I am sociable, uncomplicated, flexible, rather quiet, but cosmopolitan and sociable and not a loner

I am curious to see whether like-minded people (m/f/d) who are seriously interested can be found, at least for a longer part of the journey.

Regards, Marcus

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Hi Marcus, I just accidentally stumbled over your post. Have fun on your trip! I've made a quite similar one. If you need a place in Vienna, let me know. Cheers, Alex

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