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2 Replies
Message Reply box: Paragraph Layout and picture attachement
Posted by WS User on

Hi everyone,

I must say that the website is looking good and I'm slowly getting used to the new layout and location of the different tabs. Congrats on this massive undertaking.

I noticed in the message text box, that there is no way of editing the paragraphs, mainly the line spacing between paragraphs. The message text box removes all the line spacing (editing) and groups all the text in one paragraph (which makes the text more difficult to read).

I miss the functionality of attaching a picture to the message box, which is useful (in my case) for adding extra information to our guests so that they can find more easily our house

Posted by WS User on

Hi there, thank you for your feedback.  We are aware of these issues and they are in line to be fixed.

Posted by WS User on

however you may insert some HTML tags, at least <b>,>i> <br/> <img> works. 

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